Wednesday, April 24, 2013

it's nice to know he's smarter than me

When I was 3 I decided to be a bird.  I completely committed myself to the idea and tried to fly off the kitchen table.  The result.....a broken nose.  Thirty years later I am still paying for that short lived dream.  I have been using a nose spray lately and Dax, with his inquiring 3 year old mind, wanted to know why.  So I proceeded to tell him my bird story.  His reply was very matter of fact, "mom, birds have wings.  You have arms only".  It's good to know that my offspring is smarter than me.

1 comment:

  1. i love the moments when my kids (ok, just the one so far) make me feel like a moron by stating what i should know. ouch. it happens to me faaarrrr too often! the good news? dax shouldn't need to go to the ER this year for a broken nose due to jumping off a table!! :)
