Anyone enjoying Fall Break/UEA (which one is it called now days?) as much as I am?
It's the first day and all of my kids have been grounded already. In fact they were all grounded by 10:30 this morning. I've decided that punishing them only punishes me. I took away all things that have to be plugged in plus any kind of treat whatsoever. Now they think they have absolutely nothing to do and it's driving me crazy. They can play outside, read books, or play with their toys. I don't think they even know what toys are anymore, they haven't touched them in so long. I'm sitting here doing my best to ignore all the begging to play the wii or watch a movie. I'm getting pretty good at it really. I've heard a lot of "please mom", a lot of crying, and a lot of screaming but i'm going to be strong. I'm not going to cave. I took the wii away for a whole week. I'm wishing myself good luck with that one. I'm a pushover and I know it. This time I am serious though, I am not going to cave.
I thought they were finally playing good together and went to go bask in the glory of my great mothering skills when this is what I found. They had been boxing for a good 20 minutes, serious boxing, and I hadn't noticed. I'm very observant. There are no broken bones or blood stains on my couch though so I'm going to go ahead and call it a successful bonding moment.
Then there's dax. He is probably the worst one when it comes to minding me. But he just flashes me that little smile with those sparkling blue eyes and I give in. What's a mom to do?
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