Wednesday, October 24, 2012

poor little sickies

We've had a bit of a bug going around the Wright house this last week.  Poor Baylor has been the worst trying to fight off croup.  I thought he was getting over it and he actually slept 12 hours straight last night, much better than the 3-4 hours of interrupted sleep the 3 nights before that.  I hate sick kids.  Maybe I should rephrase that, I hate it when kids are sick. I try to get things accomplished but never can.  When I tried to get on the floor to exercise this is what happened:  

He decided for me what the most important thing to be doing with my time is.  He doesn't care if I am packing a few extra pounds or not, he just cares about his mom loving him.  I need to remember that.  


  1. oh! it's sad but so cute!

    i blame the fact that I'M not exercising on the fact that i have a mini-mini one of those kiddos laying on me, in what feels like that same position (although it is slightly lower)... exercise... makes me... tired. nah, no time for that.

    your excuse works better than mine.

  2. So sweet! He's so stinkin cute! Sorry he has been sick! I don't like when kids are sick either!
