Thursday, May 2, 2013

What am I going to do with this boy?

 I'm tellin ya, I don't know what I am going to do with this kid.  He doesn't care that Nate is coming at him with a tiller.  He just plopped his keister right in the middle of all the action.  Why?  Because he's 1.  And a boy.  And always hungry (remember a recent post about a certain 1 year old who never stops eating?).  He was shoving fists full of dirt in his mouth. Don't worry I did actually stop him that time. 

Tonight I got home from the store to find that apparently I didn't feed him enough for dinner.  Shocking for the kid who never stops eating.  He resorted to the trash can and was going to town on the mostly empty bottle of Ragu (sorry to my half Italian sister-in-law, I know I just said a four letter word.  Remember that Christmas you gave us homemade sauce?  That was awesome).  Anyway, back to my Ragu eating monster.  Will you ever be full?  Will I ever know the satisfaction of you turning down food?  And most importantly, how many jobs will I have to be working when you are a teenager just to keep you fed?  Still, I look at these pictures and all I want to do is kiss those saucy little cheeks.

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